What have your articles done for you lately? Are you using them merely to get your name out
there, or have you discovered the true benefit of article marketing for your business?
If you are like the majority of successful online business owners, you have been diligent in
writing articles. Maybe you have even gone so far as to hire a VA to submit them to copious
article submission sites. Let me ask you a question; are you submitting to only one topic at
each site? If so, consider the benefit of multiple topic submission. Think about how your article
would fit in other areas besides the obvious. This one small addition to your submission process
will significantly increase the chance your article will be picked up and used.
Now for the crème-de-la-crème. How to convert your articles to marketing magnets. What are
your putting in your author bio? Is it filled with "pat-on-the-back" copy? Does it merely speak about
you and your business or does it entice the reader to make that coveted click? You spend all that
time writing and publishing your articles and in the end all you have is the link back to your site, that
probably isn't even read let alone clicked. Sure you get a little traffic from that and then there is
the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) benefit.
Consider revising your author bio and make it more "click friendly." The way this is done is to
use the author bio area to entice your reader to investigate your website. Instead of listing all
of your past accomplishments, which the reader probably isn't interested in anyway, why not
hook them with an offer?
Next time you submit an article why not try a new technique. The first line should contain an
offer. Something like, "Go to this site to get such and such free gift or to learn the Ten Truths
of Business Ownership©, or something similar. Get their attention immediately, rather than
boring them with details about you right off the bat.
Then rather than writing out the http... URL for your site, why not embed it in a keyword or
key phrase? For example I might use "digital design" as my anchor text or "book covers." I am sure you get the idea.
After that, if you still have room for more copy, you can always add your credentials.
© Copyright 2009 Ginger Marks